Dormaa Ahenkro better known as Dormaa, is the district capital of the Dormaa District of the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana in West Africa. It is a peaceful town with loving people. It has a population of about 22,000 most of whom are small town farmers.
Dormaa is about 352km from the capital city of Ghana called Accra. It is just about 15km from the Ivorian border. There are reliable bus services from Dormaa through the regional cities of Sunyani, Kumasi to Accra on a daily basis.
Dormaa has many hotels including: King David's hotel, Dormaa Hotel, Dorisa Hotel, Tamale Guesthouse, etc. There are also restaurants and shopping stores (marts) where visitors can buy food and basic necessities.
Dormaa has many banks including: Ghana Commercial Bank, Agricultural Development Bank, Wamfie Rural Bank, etc.
Dormaa enjoys fairly good electricity supply from the national electric grid. A number of mobile phone companies actively operate at Dormaa linking it to the outside world. Few internet cafes shops are also operational at Dormaa.
Dormaa has a police station manned by the Ghana Police force who maintains the peace of the Dormaa municipality. There is also a district circuit Court where cases of the residents are sent for adjudication.
Christianity is deeply rooted in the people of Dormaa. There are therefore numerous churches including the traditional ones like: Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and a host of Pentecostal churches. The Presbyterian Church has a well established hospital which is the biggest health facility in the Dormaa locality.
Click to see Dormaa Ahenkro on Google Maps:

Ghana is a former British colony, hence an English speaking country. It is one of the most peaceful countries in Africa. It is well known for its hospitability for visitors and tourist. It enjoys democratic governance.
It has an estimated population of about twenty eight million. It is bordered in the west by Ivory Coast, the east by Togo, the north by Burkina Faso and the south by the sea (the gulf of Guinea)
Ghana has very good tourist facilities which attract a lot of visitors especially from the western countries. Many major airlines from the US, Europe, Middle East fly to and depart from Ghana on daily basis. There are many good hotels in Ghana.
Despite all the progress made in recent years, Ghana remains a poor country with estimated GDP per capita of about $1,381 for the year 2015.